day one

08:00 Guests will arrive at The K Club and register for the event

10:00 Shotgun Start

12:00 On course Lunch service will begin in dedicated locations

14:00 Entertainment for non golfing partners - Ladies lunch & fashion show

15:00 Check into their respective accommodations

18:00 Outdoor cocktail hour (weather permitting)

19:00 Buffet / Dinner service will commence Entertainment: To be announced

day two

06:30 Breakfast service will begin

10:00 Round #2 will get underway

12:00 On course Lunch service will begin in dedicated locations

15:00 Groups will finish their rounds

18:00 Cocktail Hour and Golf Prize giving

19:30 Gala dinner and entertainment will begin.

21:00 Guest speakers and charities will take the stage

21:45 Live auction will take place

22:15 Headlining act will begin their show